Online Medical Consultation
“Seek answers from physicians anywhere”. Thonburi Bamrungmuang Online Medical Consultation helps save your time, travelling cost, and waiting time at hospital providing service with physicians of various specialties identical to physical visits.
Discuss with your doctor to answer your health concerns and help you decide if treatment is needed and self-care recommendations. Follow-up with your doctor to ensure your well-being and receive updated recommendations to help you bring the best out of your treatment.
☑️ Telecare Online consultation with physician (Telecare)
☑️ Medicine Delivery
☑️ Home Health Care
☑️ Real Time Monitoring
☑️ Check your lab results
☑️ Service from 08:00 A.M. - 08.00 P.M.
☑️ Tele-COVID Service
After testing with ATK indicating positive COVID-19 infection with two stripes and indicate your symptoms: fever, loss of smell, sore throat, cough, mucous, phlegm, watery stool, and red eyes. Meet your doctor online for consultation and receive prescription medicine at your house.
Steps for using Tele-COVID Service
1 Add LINE Official Account: to start online consultation
2 Nurse will contact you to verify personal information and assess initial symptoms
3 Make an appointment to see doctor online
4 Online payment link will be sent to you for 300 Baht deposit to confirm the appointment
5 VDO Call link will then be sent to you
6 If there is a prescribed medicine, it will be delivered to you
(Bangkok same day delivery on 2 rounds: 12:00 and 18:00; Upcountry delivery will be handled by Thailand Post Office)